ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply?

I have sourced a new production Tungsol 6550 from The Tube Store in Hamilton (Ontario); I intend to use it in the power supply of my ARC Ref 3. Has anyone had any experience with the Tung-Sol TS6550 in the Ref 3? Have you compared it with the original Winged "C" SED 6550C shipped by ARC with this
line stage? Preferences? Reasons?

I've been following this thread hoping to learn from the "experimental" owners of the Ref3 and their findings on various tubes here. Thank you Ethannnn and Elberoth2 for sharing the details of your findings. I hope to soon borrow a Ref3, perhaps first an LS26, to put it through a shootout with the Aria WV.

I am interested as well (rightly or wrongly) how so much magic happened to Elberoth's Ref3 after only 10 hours of tube burn in. Psychoacoustics or real??
I'm not surprised at all. The burn-in time for the "new" tube may have nothing to do with Elberoth's result at all. Rather it could easily have been the poor sonic performance of the tube it replaced.

I have experienced many times where a new tube easily outperformed what I had been using up to that time; the old tube never made it back. Whatever smoothness was achieved later on with the new tube was simply an added bonus. There's too much focus that burn-in is necessary to validate a product whose performance is stellar from the start.

Again, ARC is not putting in tubes that have the magical properties that many of us seek and discover through tube-rolling trials. ARC, CAT, Lamm, Aria, etc., are putting in tubes that are readily available and perform well on the electrical-measurements test bench. Such tubes are typically the starting point rather than the final choice. If one wants to get more out of their product, they need to put forth the effort like Ethannnn and Elberoth2 have done with their Ref3.

This recurring theme that the designers of a product are the only ones qualified to choose what tube works best for the product's owner is silly. The designer may have vast knowledge based on listening tests. But so do many owners of their products. And perhaps the designer has found a pair or two of coveted tubes that are used in their personal systems. But as a manufacture such an option is not viable in the shipped product for a number of reasons.

I commend Michael Elliot, the designer of Aria of Counterpoint products, for being candid to his customers that the tubes (mainly EH and Sovtek) that he ships with his products are fine as a starting point, but with very little effort, the customer can take his products to far greater levels of performance. He stays clear of recommending specific brands as his preferences are likely to be very different than those of a customer. But he does share the many different tube types for the customer to try. And he provides a forum for his customers to share what they have found. I would expect such knowledge and support from a dealer as well. But I think far too many are also under the impression that the only the manufacturer knows best on what tube(s) should be used.

Anyway, thanks again Ethannnn and Elberoth2 for going for it.
This tube-rolling looks exciting.

Guido, could you direct me to a tube to "improve" my Rowland Continuum 500? I'm looking for, you know, some magic. ;-)

Use all your senses this time and give me a really good recommendation.

Hello again Guido- It's gratifying to see you validated my original post in so very short a time. KUDOS and happy listening!!
Thank you Rodman. As you know, I can only report what my ears tell me. And I try to report my observations in as descriptive manner as possible, so that other Audiogoners can draw their conclusions, based on my observations, not so much on my 'judgement'. And their conclusions are happily often opposite from myine. Terms better/worse are unfortunately not terribly useful in this business, being purely value judgements based on personal and too often unstated parameters. The only thing I can say at this point is that, between the factory supplied Winged C 6550 and the new production Tungsol 6550, I do prefer the Winged version for the musical reasons described in some details a few months ago. As for any other 6550 or KT88 version, I do not usually comment on devices I have no experience with. If some NOS 6550s or compatible serendipitously found their way into my system, I will report my observations accordingly.
Hi dave,
how about an early Jan 2008 NOS version of the TI Burr Brown OPA1632 differentially balanced OP amps in the linestage section?
I heard from a bunch of wild internet chipheads that it readily trounces the 2008 post march 31st current production. Best used after triple kryoing and slow warming up to room temperature in a tourmaline-based industrial drier. 77F Airflow with 45% humidity through a bed of crushed tourmaline minimizes residual Doppler effect by optical polirization of Oxigen 2O molecules. Current big issue is. . . what tourmaline variant to utilize: black Mexican, green (having the highest optical polarization index), or rose rubelite (being this last the most expensive jewelry grade variant, and therefore obviously the most desirable from a serious audiophyle point of view). The date of mining of the tourmaline may also have a considerable effect on the sound. . . Pre 1908 batches are the best, because they were extracted prior to the nepherious Tunguska event. . . provided you can find any. Hope this helps, G.