
Discussions jafox has started

Duntech Sovereign, Dunlavy IV, V, VI purchase make sense today?27359
Detachable Head shell or Not?970199
Phono stage evolution after the ARC Ref2, Ref2SE or Ref 321993
APL Denon 3910 - Anybody still using this?19640
Cartridge Loading into Step-Up Transformer53656
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level3619097
Review: Aria WV5 XL (Line Stage only) Tube preamp4155640
Power Conditioner to the rescue1445520
Tube rolling experience in Aesthetix Callisto Sig1481514
Calling all Aesthetix Callisto / Io Owners2217831
Soundlab speakers: Castors or Tiptoes?38704
Aesthetix Question981219
Premier Redbook CD Transport or SACD Player?72699
Horiz/Vert Biamping490311
Home Theatre Amp Suggestions53378