ARC REF 3 vs ML 326s

Need opinions please. My next preamp will be either the ARC Ref 3 or ML 326s. Heres what i need to inform you, I have the B&W Matrix 800s. I mostly listen to classic rock so alot of the cd recordings/sonics are not to good as you may know. And the B&W 800s reveal this. So im thinking of going with a tube preamp such as the ARC Ref 3 will take the edge off ..What are your opinions of this.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Izz0 Thanks for your post. I am running a Krell FPB 600 amp . So im sure that will be a killer combo like you said. 
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I'll take up that challenge, Tattoo. I've cleaned more than half my collection with ultrasonics, about 2500 records. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread - if you play vinyl.