I need a new pre amp to use with a pair of Krell fpb 350 mcx mono amps through B&W 801 Matrix Series 2 speakers. Right now, I am thinking of one of these two pres but I am open to other suggestions. I can get a new 5SE for about $13k and a slightly used GAT for a little less. Which pre amp would you go for and why? Thanks...
Great query and tough question(s) Wemfan-

I have heard the ARC Ref5 SE w/ both ARC and Bryston power amps. I liked it best w/ solid-state power. On the C-J side, the highest model that I demo'ed and rather enjoyed was the ACT2 SERIES2. It also sounds outstanding w/ solid-state power. On my short-list to demo is the CJ ART3 and GAT. The ARC performs at its best w/ Transparent cables/cords. Audience is a natural, sonic match for CJ gear. Audioquest is a 3rd match. Tara Labs is a 4th.

Stated, VTL is an excellent performer-I do not know how it will compliment the Krell mono blocks?
VAC is another consideration for a tubed pre-amp.

PLease keep me posted and Happy Listening! =JA
cj because I like the sound of their components and they are reliable and they back them well. But at this level it is personnel preference.

Here is my situation. I am a musician and not really an audiophile so I have just been feeling my way through and acquiring some gear here and there trying to improve my home stereo systems. I live in an area where I can't find audio gear at this level to try out so I am going to have to just make a decision and live with it. I want to buy new or nearly new and want something I can use for many, many years to come. I have never heard any ARC or CJ but narrowed my search down by just reading on audio forums. I have been using a Mac C2300 which sounds good but it is also easily the best pre amp I have had the chance to hear.

I will look at the VTL 7.5 MK.iii and VAC. I am not familiar with either one of them. I don't think the XLR inputs will matter to me as I will only have a very short cable run. I appreciate the responses, all were informative. After reading them I am going to look a little harder at the Gat.
? Doshi Aalap full function preamp
or new Doshi separate line stage and phono