

Discussions audiotomb has started

Looking for a 24/192 dac to compliment my oppo r2r setup11885
Sufficient power/current speaker for Magnepan 1.7 SSR speakers16831
Thoughts on 3 or 5 channel HT amp to drive Magnepan 1.7is and CCR speakers11059
Getting cd plastic film sheen off of cds16466
Questions on utilizing optical and rca digital outputs16046
RCA Coax or swap out the optical14571
Higher sample rate than 16 bit redbook209410
KLAudio is stopping production of their Ultrasonic record cleaner.955433
Swapped long wall to short wall and now I am having some big issues742837
Oppo in 2 channel setup with no monitor to see / control audio settings21391
ZYX Optimum photo cartridge - a defining statement19585
ZYX Optimum phono cartridge - a defining statement622046
Opportunity to knock out a wall - make an 18 x 30 room19449
Options to inspect a cartridge from below - mirrored loope, endoscope?18187
Right channel only noise on a ew records13784