ARC SS amp vs tube - bass question

does anyone have any experience listening to ROCK & ROLL on an audio research solid state amp, like the 100.2
versus the same system with an audio research tube amp like
the vt 100?
I have heard the 100.2 connected to the ProAc 2.5 and really enjoyed the low end response. I have heard tube amps are even warmer and smoother but have also heard that they lack bass in some ways. I have not been able to audition any VT 100, etc but really like the sound of ARC SS.--- my guess is that their tube stuff would be even better. Any thoughts from some Tube veterans?
I have a ARC VT60 and an VTL ST-150 The ARC has good bass but the VTL Will blow you away in the Bass region. Overall the ARC is a hair more liquid and "real" than the VTL. But the ST-150 can Get the Led out! My choice (I hope to get ) is the VTL Signature 450. As long as your speakers aren't pigs the VT 100 is awesome. I use a Powered sub NHT Sub TWO with the VT-60 so I can play at near concert levels. I would suggest you step up to higher power or a powered sub if you are looking for "Who are you" concerts (PS get the MObile fidelity remaster Who are you) Solid state rocks too but it doesen't get you as close to the performer. BTW The Krell 350 Monos are one of the nicest SS Amps I have ever heard effortless !
Slowhand - I don't think so. Search the forums, and almost everyone agrees that the VT-100 is in another league from the 100.2. You can't compare apples with oranges.
Kevziek, check to see how many VT-100's are for sale compared to 100.2's. I will admit that there are more VT100's sold, but there are also many for sale. Ask owners of 100.2's if they would sell their's. I'll bet not many would. I stand behind my statment that this is a wonderful sounding amp without the drawbacks of tube amps.
How many VT-100s are for sale means nothing. How many PS Audio HCA-2s are for sale, and this is a brand new amp with rave reviews & comments. The 100.2 has been discontinued -- if it sounds that fantastic, why?

Furthermore, when I asked 3 different people at ARC, they all say, "no comparison," in favor of the VT-100. And these people had no vested interest, since I told them I was looking at used ARC amps, and asked their opinion. I'm not knocking the 100.2, but Slowhand's opinion that it sounds better than the VT-100 rubs opposite to almost every opinion out there.
We all have our opinions, I respect yours, but I have listened to both of these amps in the same system and prefer the 100.2. Sorry I don't agree with the majority, but I call em as I hear em. I know of people at ARC that own the 100.2. All that says is that some prefer the 100.2, some prefer the VT100. Good listening!