ARC SS amp vs tube - bass question

does anyone have any experience listening to ROCK & ROLL on an audio research solid state amp, like the 100.2
versus the same system with an audio research tube amp like
the vt 100?
I have heard the 100.2 connected to the ProAc 2.5 and really enjoyed the low end response. I have heard tube amps are even warmer and smoother but have also heard that they lack bass in some ways. I have not been able to audition any VT 100, etc but really like the sound of ARC SS.--- my guess is that their tube stuff would be even better. Any thoughts from some Tube veterans?
Slowhand - I don't think so. Search the forums, and almost everyone agrees that the VT-100 is in another league from the 100.2. You can't compare apples with oranges.
Kevziek, check to see how many VT-100's are for sale compared to 100.2's. I will admit that there are more VT100's sold, but there are also many for sale. Ask owners of 100.2's if they would sell their's. I'll bet not many would. I stand behind my statment that this is a wonderful sounding amp without the drawbacks of tube amps.
How many VT-100s are for sale means nothing. How many PS Audio HCA-2s are for sale, and this is a brand new amp with rave reviews & comments. The 100.2 has been discontinued -- if it sounds that fantastic, why?

Furthermore, when I asked 3 different people at ARC, they all say, "no comparison," in favor of the VT-100. And these people had no vested interest, since I told them I was looking at used ARC amps, and asked their opinion. I'm not knocking the 100.2, but Slowhand's opinion that it sounds better than the VT-100 rubs opposite to almost every opinion out there.
We all have our opinions, I respect yours, but I have listened to both of these amps in the same system and prefer the 100.2. Sorry I don't agree with the majority, but I call em as I hear em. I know of people at ARC that own the 100.2. All that says is that some prefer the 100.2, some prefer the VT100. Good listening!
Slowhand, I don't doubt the 100.2 is a nice sounding amplifier, & I am glad you are happy with it. The people I talked to at ARC simply don't believe it provides the sonics that a tube amp can. Yes, ARC also told me that some of their staff own 100.2s, but for the reason that these same employees didn't want to deal with tubes & their maintenance. Additionally, the 100.2 might have been a better match in the system you listened to it in.