Arcam fmj cd23 vs cd33

Which do you prefer? Why?
CD23 with ring DAC with HDCD
CD33 with WM8740 stereo DAC without HDCD

Assume that the price and condition is about the same (for used).

Points well made. I don't have a great interest in true HT (yet) and didn't consider it in that context.

I wonder if Arcam was having a hard time getting "mainstream" HT folks to buy into the more complex multi box set-up? I remember reading a review of the P1's when they first came out and it was promoting a 7.1 system with 7 mono amps. Might have scared some customers off.

Jim S.
No problem.
I've enjoyed the thread.
I finally got a used Arcam cd23. I was a little bit suspicious of its performance, but I needed only a couple of seconds to realize the difference. I have not tried many other high end CD players, and I cannot say how cd23 stands out amongst others, but clearly it is better than what I have had/tried -- NAC C541i, Rega Apollo, Marantz DR700, and Jolida 602.
It also beats Rega Apollo/Music Hall DAC 25.2.
More details and dynamics in full orchestration and more lively in acoustic jazz.

Hope it lasts forever!
And also remember that while there are differences between players they just arent as great as some would lead you to believe,yes differences, but nothing like amps and pre amps,the thing is now you can really focus on the music because you landed one of the all time greats in cd.
2nd the apology for the hijack.

Glad you are enjoying your "new" player.

Jim S.