United States Patent Office. 2,773,136. Patented Dec. 4, 1956. 2,773,136. AMPLIFIER. Julius Futterman, New York, N. Y.
This invention relates to amplifiers, and more particularly to audio-frequency power amplifiers employing large amounts of negative feedback to reduce distortion, and is therefore useful in the reproduction of speech and music...
One object of my invention is to provide a low cost power amplifier that does not use an output transformer, and is capable of Supplying large amounts of undistorted power directly to a low impedance load of the order of 16 ohms, such as the voice coil of a conventional loud speaker. Another object of my invention is to provide a power amplifier useful over the audio range of 20 cycles to 20 kc. and capable of utilizing large amounts of negative feedback, of the order of 60 db, without instability.
United States Patent Office. 2,773,136.