Are all external hard drives the same?

I am looking for an external hard drive to hook into my Oppo-95. Are there any differences other than storabe size? What should I look for? This will be used to store movies and music.
Greg, unfortunately I believe that it is not possible to transfer most commercially made Blu-Ray discs and DVD's to a computer hard drive, because of copy protection provisions they utilize.

Also, even if it were possible in some cases I believe that you would have to subsequently process the files with a video editing program to convert them to something that the player would recognize. Files on computer hard drives and on optically read discs are structured differently. And the process of "building" a video file using a video editing program, especially with high definition material that would be used on a Blu-Ray disc, would be likely to require several hours or more per hour of material for typical computers to do the necessary processing.

Not sure what you are referring to when you mentioned Blu-Ray recorder cards. If you mean Blu-Ray drives which can burn Blu-Ray discs, their "recording" function is intended for creation of Blu-Ray discs from one's own material, in conjunction with video editing or other software.

Re your question about putting CD material onto your hard drive, for some particularly knowledgeable suggestions about what software to use see this page at the Empirical Audio website. Steve N. of Empirical Audio is member "Audioengr" here at A'gon.

-- Al
G-Techs are the quietest and most reliable drives I've owned (5 of them for about 6 years now with no failures, all conventional ones and one solid state).
The newest versions are the quietest. They run cool too with little vibration.
I have a 3tb version.
Reliability is the thing I would worry about the most.

I've run the Seagate 1.5 and 2 Gb USB drives from BEst Buy for a few years now and have found them to be most reliable and essentially trouble free. They also come with backup software installed which has also been very reliable and trouble free. I see no reason to look elsewhere, there is some motor noise when they first fire up, but nothing of much consequence there really.

Highly recommended.