Tubes in the 40s, 50s and 60s were as common as transistors and all the chips of all varieties are now. Radios, TVs and just about any kind of electronic device were full of them. Radio and TV stations and many other large scale businesses used tons of them. The first computers used massive amounts of tubes. The changeover to transistors, etc. was pretty quick so there were very large numbers of them stashed all over the world. Although only a few varieties of tubes are used in audio, there are still a lot of them around.
People like us who still use tubes are a very small number. As far as tube audio gear goes there is much more of it around now then there was in the 70s and 80s. So we don’t use them up very quickly.
A smaller number of them are never used, or NOS. NIB means new in box. Whether it’s the same box the tube came in, who knows? It’s another marketing point.
Buy your tubes from reputable dealers and you’ll get what you're paying for.
People like us who still use tubes are a very small number. As far as tube audio gear goes there is much more of it around now then there was in the 70s and 80s. So we don’t use them up very quickly.
A smaller number of them are never used, or NOS. NIB means new in box. Whether it’s the same box the tube came in, who knows? It’s another marketing point.
Buy your tubes from reputable dealers and you’ll get what you're paying for.