Are CD players dead

I went to an audiophile meeting today and the owner of the store said Cd's and cd players are dead. He said you need to start learning about computer audio or you will be left behind. Is what he is saying true?
Absolutely not. As with vinyl, there are people who prefer the experience and quality (whoever thought that something would make us nostalgic for CDs?) of the format.

I have played with all kinds of computer encoding formats, and no matter what (listening through Grado RS-1/RA-1 combo), it doesn't sound as good. Even lossless, which most people aren't going to use because of the space that a file requires.

This doesn't even take into account the complexities of full musical access. I am a huge fan of Japanoise bands (High Rise, Fushitsusha, Overhang Party, etc.). If I didn't have my CDs and companies that sell them, such as Forced Exposure, I'd be screwed.

I think that the person who said that is in the business of selling the "next big thing," and that's computer audio. I like the idea of it, of having a giant hard drive with your whole music collection on it. I don't like the necessary redundancy, and the fact that your entire collection can be wiped out by a computer failure or hard drive crash. So you have to back it up, then back up the back up the back up the back up.

Or you can have CDs on the shelf. No brainer for me.
My point exactly Kevvwill. Only concern is vacuum of
selection in New Music once CD is gone (1 year), and
vacuum of Selection of New Music in High Rez. Downloads.
I sense the same desperation in Selection in High Rez.
Downloads as I did in SACD-how did that work out for us?
Did somebody forget something like providing enough Stock
in High Rez. Downloads before pulling all of the CD Stock?
Are you actually replacing the CD Format with something, or replacing it with Hot Air, MP3, i-Tunes, False promises,
and Snake Oil? You don't have ANY selection yet-too soon!
"whoever thought that something would make us nostalgic for CDs"

Nothing will make me nostalgic for CDs.

They are what they areand are a fact of life. Part of what they are and have always been is lousy packaging that is nondescript, fragile, small, and hard to read. That's it for me.

Music servers and digital players will continue to evolve to include more and more direct or linked access to more content.

Over time, the amount of information at your fingertips about an album, artist, or song or anything else related will continue to grow and become more user friendly and oriented. That's a major step forward associated with teh technology beyond just sound quality. To me good sound quality plus the entire package is what matters. Most CD packages just plain still s--- even after all these years.
Guess that there are two types of Music Listeners. Those
who want better Sound Quality (who call themselves
Audiophiles), and those who just want pretty packages.
I have got no problem with that! Just don't confuse pretty
packages with better Sound Quality-S.Q. is NOT what you
want! Stop masquerading as something your not (Emperor and
his New Clothes)! Your not fooling anyone! You don't have
a High Rez. Download Format with anywhere near enough selection to replace CD Selection. Means alot of people will have to do without their Music/ New Music-happy?