Are CD players goig the way of the 8 track,and the cassette?

Streaming seems to be gradually pushing the CD player into extinction.My CD's are in the closet,and may never return!
Considering the economy is in permanent melt down mode, my guess is yes,, but thats a ways off. I have my classical cd collection  complete and have recently upgraded my tube cd player. 
Perhaps will one day add the Prima Luna tube player as well. 
I have no interest in streaming/ computer uploads. 
Tube cd player makes the muisc come to life, Straeming is like ss mechanical, =  no life, just 1 dimensional.

I expect the most important factor in the viability of the format is the availability of the mechanical transports. Being a mechanical device running at very high speeds they all fail eventually. Since the computer market offers optical disc readers in fewer and fewer devices the incentive to keep making the spinners is decreasing. Most CD players that die do so because the transport fails and there's no available replacement. It's just a matter of time.
Oh they are definitely going away, not like 8 tracks or cassettes, more like turntables did. Enjoy the music
So like turntables, more and more high end CD players at shows, the very best sounding gear will be said to sound "CD-ology" and CD will take on an air of acknowledged if unspoken superiority and become fastest growing segment in audio. Hollywood movies will have the star putting on a CD to show his superior taste. Like turntables.

interestingly it also seems there are more new CD Player releases lately,  after a lull of a few years...