Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

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" You can get away with some quite high distortion and still have convincing playback so long as that distortion is low in order and complexity."

Yes this is a good point but under the conditions you just described you cannot pass the cue that it is live. It requires the distortion levels to be taken down by a massive amount so it can approach the distortion figure of air.

I also mentioned that -
 " If you do this correctly you have a piece of acoustic history captured."

I will be making recordings using the same amplifying method. The interest by Hollywood is already there regarding 3D movies and recording with H-CAT mic preamps. It will save the studios mega bucks in post production because they will not have to manually move objects around the theater so the audience has some illusion of placement. (As in Atmos) This process will project an object back into mid air where it came from all by itself.

As far as mics and speakers well - here goes an explanation that I know is going to cause a riot...

What ever shortcomings a microphone has it is introducing a stable flaw. IOW it does not dynamically modulate the location information. The same holds true for speakers (wait for the riot...)

I know all the arguments already - no need to prove me wrong.

"speakers have a lot of distortion - how do you get around that?"
"midrange info riding on the woofer will cause Doppler"
"phase shift in the crossover will screw up the imaging"

All of those things are true but you need to pay attention to the difference between symmetrical and non-symmetrical phase errors.

To all  -
Well its been cosmic folks - time to get back to work.
I was just coming up for air.

Best thing to do is stay tuned to the web site / watch the news / read the magazines and see where this goes.

A shout out to Miguel at Tripoint audio in Florida who just learned that his house survived Irma.

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It sounds like you have a great system and I'm sure you are happy with it.
The only thing I can tell you is I had a level of purity that I never thought could get better - then the latest version of the process that has a much tighter auto focus system was put in and wow I ended up with quite a jump in the believably and ghost like imaging. My speakers disappeared completely and seemed to have nothing to do with what I was listening to.

Anyhow good luck to you perhaps you will have a chance down the road to hear H-CAT.

In fact if you don't mind - contact my web site or email me and let me know where you are located.
