Are integrated amps technically better than separates?

I'm assuming we are talking same class of amplifier and the integrated has the features you want. I'm thinking the integrated could actually be an improvement over separates due to being a more "direct" connection. Taking away the flexibility factor of separates, is my line of thinking correct?
Ditching the preamp may, but certainly is not, an assurance of superior sound. Soundstage and tonality may suffer without a preamp. But, of course, apart from actual comparison the responses are generalities that can be overturned in any comparison. 
Tim, you may wish to consider upgrading the 3.7i jumpers, and the power cord(s) and XLR. I would guess Magenpan might frown on the jumper replacement, and of course it would be "do at your own risk", however there is discussion of it to be found. 

These would improve the performance significantly. :)

Regarding the jumpers for the speakers, refer to my review of the Maggie .7 at

A preamp and amp sharing the same power supply in the same box is inherently problematic but that doesn't mean some integrateds won't sound better than some separates - in fact they often will at lower price points.  To generalize though, separates have the advantage by design. 

Better than separates- No, not today. Are we getting closer- Yes.

Another consideration, is the pre-amp section of an integrated amp getting better?  To my ears, yes, significantly better in comparison to the last 10 years.

Happy Listening!