Are integrated amps technically better than separates?

I'm assuming we are talking same class of amplifier and the integrated has the features you want. I'm thinking the integrated could actually be an improvement over separates due to being a more "direct" connection. Taking away the flexibility factor of separates, is my line of thinking correct?
Here, if we are going reasonably close to cost, perhaps comparing the top Luxman pre and amp to the D'Agostino amp is a closer match?

While I haven't heard the integrated, I've heard the amps and they are really good, so I think this would be closer.

And this gets me back to the kind of original point, while I believe it is possible to design an integrated and pre that are as good or better than their separates, with no boundaries the comparisons become kind of meaningless.

"Oh, I once heard a pre/amp that sounded a lot better than X integrated" doesn't prove anything really. Of course, neither does cost.


@aberyclark  I forgot to add that I also compared the Mark Levinson 585 integrated, which is the best integrated I have heard. I don't bother with stuff too expensive since I don't find uber priced gear that interesting, except speakers.

I compared, on the same system (Magico A3 speakers), the Mark Levinson separates and the ML 585. The separates also had the top end ML DAC and streamer. Each separate piece was $20K each and the 585 was $12K ($6K used). I found the 585 much closer to the top end ML separates than the similar comparison of the Luxman 509x vs the Luxman separates.

That 585 is a really good integrated and the DAC in it was rather good. Not as good as the ML separate DAC for 20K but I am never paying 20K for a DAC. I think it was 20K may have been 10K.

I was auditioning the A3 speakers and that was the system they had set up. If I have bought the A3 I would have bought the 585.

I have not heard the brand new Mola Mola integrated which has the same DAC module as the Tambaqui DAC. I have my suspicions that this unit can give the Mola Mola separates a run for it's money.
When your talking integrated of the level of Gryphon Diablo 300, Pass Int-250, Luxman 509X, Accuphase E-800, Vitus SIA-030, Audionet Humboldt, CH Precision I1 and Dartzeel CTH-8550 you might ask yourself if it's still worth going separates?
I agree seperates provide greater flexibility and separation, but I have always liked the convenience of a good IA. As such I have owned both, like many others,  I moved back to an IA, Viva Solistino,  and have no regrets....its a fine IA and if I ever wanted to add a seperate PA, I can...but probably won't. Like many have already stated, it's about personal choice and goals for their respective systems.