Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?

My answer to this question is yes. Linear tracking arms trace the record exactly the way it was cut. Pivoted arms generally have two null points across the record and they are the only two points the geometry is correct. All other points on the record have a degree of error with pivoted arms. Linear tracking arms don't need anti-skating like pivoted arms do which is another plus for them.

Linear tracking arms take more skill to set up initially, but I feel they reward the owner with superior sound quality. I have owned and used a variety of pivoted arms over the years, but I feel that my ET-2 is superior sounding to all of them. You can set up a pivoted arm incorrectly and it will still play music. Linear tracking arms pretty much force you to have everything correct or else they will not play. Are they worth the fuss? I think so.
Sure, about everyone of us here do envy Mike Lavigne for that room.
However - in an imperfect world (read: the one we all are living in...) we can still strive for perfection in audio reproduction even if we will never approach it.
Not sitting in an acoustical perfect room should in no way keep one from trying to bring or lure the best possible performance from its equipment.
And then there is the ear ........ and the related processor and hard disk creating the experience of hearing.
Imperfect too......
Raul-you are right. The Audio Technica is one humble looking tone arm. Outright fugly in fact.
02-21-10: Dertonarm
we can still strive for perfection in audio reproduction even if we will never approach it...Not sitting in an acoustical perfect room should in no way keep one from trying to bring or lure the best possible performance from its equipment.
Absolutely, I agree. I'm just pointing out that accurate reproduction of low frequencies(actually all) is probably pretty rare without proper room dimensions and/or extensive acoustic treatment.

What we perceive to be "clean bass" and what actually is, can be two different things. Sounds like Mepearson has done of a good job of getting his room out of the way of the music.

From personal experience, I had a hell of time trying to tame my old 25'x16'x8'living room(just for music) by speaker positioning alone. I had free will to place everything wherever I wanted in the room(being single and all). And that was with dual subwoofers placed non-symmetrically around the room. I never really won the acoustics battle.

After looking a photos of a lot of professional reviewers rooms, I have to seriously question their ability to discern individual audio component frequency reproduction anomalies from their acoustic environment. And when they talk about the accuracy, or inaccuracy, of low frequency reproduction...Well, the brain is obviously a very powerful machine.
Dear Mepearson: I don't understand why you follow posting that I think the argument that some people make that linear tracking arms can't reproduce the bottom end are patently wrong. " ++++

no one including me posted that, what some of us posted is that the pivot tonearms are better in that critical frequency range.

Btw, that AT tonearm is one of the best " keep secrets ", I can't see how you can have a better performer at almost any price, higly recommended for any one that could think that your today tonearm is one of the best out there.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Raul-Does the AT tonearm have provisions for anti-skating? I couldn't see it on the picture.

Does anyone else have any experience with the AT tonearm?