Are passive preamps better?

Does a passive preamp with transformers so that its impedence can be matched with an amplifier have the potential to provide better sonics than a line preamp? I have a Simaudio Celeste preamp and a Harman Kardon Citation 7.1 amplifier. Lynne
Gregm, dpac wasn't using a passive linestage; he was using a tube preamp. It would not surprise me at all if I don't understand how impedence works. I'm a gifted dyslexic and I struggle. I go by instinct, and I'm learning as much as I can from you guys. And yes. I am interrested in how impedence works. Please tell me.
John, I understand what you are saying about vintage gear. I have heard of the Audio Research 10 and ll before.
I will read all of this discussion again to absorb what I can.
Scott Endler got back to me. The nude attenuators are backordered and he refunded my money. Meanwhile I've been researching autoformers and transformer attenuators, and I've been waiting for the cable to fully break in. I see the motive now for attempting to achive a successful passive linestage. Without the Sim, I hear the amp, as though for the first time, and it is wonderful. I also am guessing there will be a trade-off with a passive device. What strikes me the most is sensitivity. My amp's sensitivity is 1.1 volt, and the lower the listening level, the more this spec is evident. Lynne
Eldartford, 600 ohms may be tough, but not impossible. We developed a direct-coupled output, not unlike our power amps, to do the job. I think our MP-1 might one of the few preamps that can drive headphones directly as a result.

Tbg, I've had direct experience with the older Cello stuff. It doesn't seem that it was designed with 600 ohms in mind.
Good thing I re-read. Atmasphere's discussion of a preamps inability to control the cable. I reconnected the preamp, but this time I ran the variable output to the preamp in. The sound is improved over the fixed output. Maybe that's because the signal running through that circuit with pot changed the impedence--or resistance or capacitance or inductance--that the preamp cannot control. You have to tune the preamp with cable or any other means you can think of. Yes? ( Atmasphere says that degradation of sound quality at lower listening levels is the same issue, which I thought must be sensitivity. I got that). This might be the most important thing I've learned so far. Lynne
Geez, I can't believe people still talk about 600 ohms for any reason. No offense, but that went out with disco...
Interconnects are very important w/passives. Especially where HF is concerned. Keep them as short as possible. In my system however it sounds fine at low volume. In fact I find the HF better at lower volume. This could be due to the extra headroom on my LF amp. I use a Placette resitor ladder. My only source these days is a CDP w/2.5 VRMS@ 50ohms. I feed two amps: both CJ SS w/100K input impedance and the same gain although one is 100WPC (HF) and the other 250WPC (LF) My gear has fairly ideal values for a passive setup which is critical.