Are Shakti Stones effective?

I have never used Shakti Stones and wonder if they really work and, if so, what do they do,  I have used the Shakti Holographs and found them to magically focus the sound and tighten the soundstage. From what I have heard, even from Shakti, is that the stones make a significant difference is some usage and less in other. Has anyone used these and what do they do?
I knew a guy that covered the whole internal wall surface of his house with copper sheet as he was paranoid about microwaves- not an audiophile but quite a good bass player...
simple answer is this - if one insists on trying to see ’if it works’ just be patient and buy one someone is selling at a used price, then try it

if it works and you are happy, great...

if you decide that it is all b.s. and want it gone, just post an ad and as you can see, there are enough 'believers' that you will sell it to the next _________________ (fill in the blank)...
Once you get  them,Then what do you do? Just set them on the metal box of the component?
Once you get them,Then what do you do? Just set them on the metal box of the component?

Yes, that’s exactly what you do. Pick a spot, plop it down, plop yourself down, and listen. Strain. To hear even the slightest difference. Which, remember, even something as simple as a phone book placed on top of a CD player will affect (usually improve) the sound. So the Shakti Stone being a mass with felt on the bottom is expected to make some small improvement even if only due to the slight mass damping effect.
It is when you think about it actually quite remarkable they have managed to make something so truly ineffective. I mean it does do something. Like I said it does make a very slight improvement when placed over the transport section of a CD player. But that is it. A ten dollar dive weight makes a bigger difference than one of these things. A freaking phone book!

Okay, nobody has a phone book any more. Use your imagination. Any book of decent size a couple inches thick will do. Don’t take my word for it. Try it and see. You have just out-performed a Shakti Stone!

Okay, just realized no one reads books any more. Dang. This getting old stuff is getting old. Okay so what do you have these days? Energy drinks! Put a big ol can of Red Bull on there. Or Fountain Foo Foo Water. Two pound bag of Organic Coffee. Whatever! Take the challenge, do your best, try and find something you can put on there that WON’T be better than a Shakti Stone! Go on! I dare you! I double-dog dare you!