Absolutely, time and familiarity are the true test of merit. Jwm is an
experienced music lover and also patient. He had the units in his systems
for months "following" a break in period of hundreds of hours. I
heard both on many occasions and concur with his assessment. You
under the same circumstances could certainly choose differently, one can
only report honestly what they hear.Without question some will clearly
prefer the Play Design and others the Mod Wright OPPO. Jwm really has a
fabulous sounding system, the recent addition of the Rockport Altair
speakers have taken it to yet a higher level. We both have had the
opportunity to listen to many fine audio components and just sincerely
comment on what we hear.
Absolutely, time and familiarity are the true test of merit. Jwm is an
experienced music lover and also patient. He had the units in his systems
for months "following" a break in period of hundreds of hours. I
heard both on many occasions and concur with his assessment. You
under the same circumstances could certainly choose differently, one can
only report honestly what they hear.Without question some will clearly
prefer the Play Design and others the Mod Wright OPPO. Jwm really has a
fabulous sounding system, the recent addition of the Rockport Altair
speakers have taken it to yet a higher level. We both have had the
opportunity to listen to many fine audio components and just sincerely
comment on what we hear.