Are the 6 speakers from a 2001 Bose Lifestyle 20 Music System worth anything?

The main unit (radio/CD player) stopped working and I had to destroy it to recover my 5 CDs that were in the cartridge that would not eject.So I am left with the cables, the speakers and the various speaker stands. I am about to junk the speakers but was wondering if somehow they can still be used (or sold to some audio tech guy who can modify them to work with other gear)

Showing 4 responses by kenjit

Yes the speakers can certainly be reused. I have modified them in the past. They are not hard to modify. You could sell them on ebay. 
 He recognized the driver immediately and said it goes for three pence,
which driver are you talking about? The smaller drivers are proprietary. Most drivers are just paper and metal. The ATC is no exception. So how ironic that he thought it was funny how cheap the drivers were when in fact the ATC drivers are no more expensive. So before you try to mock Bose drivers why dont you tell us how cheap the drivers are used by other high end companies? The joke would be on you
The reason they are $500 is because 1. It gives them more profit 2. If audiophiles found out the true cost was much cheaper, they would lose confidence in the company

Recording Studios use far more NS10's than ATC. The Ns10's are some of the most horrible sounding speakers ever. They have no bass only mids. But studios love 'em! So the studio engineers have zero credibility. 
ATC are not the only monitors used by studios. Many choose any of the other alternatives instead. And recently there was a video on YouTube. He opened up the ATC and found a very cheaply done MDF box