Allsmiles ; the info that you received about upgraded equipment making so called "poorly recorded" CD's sound better is correct . As I have slowly upgraded my equipment , I am surprised at how some rock CD's that I had quit listening to , are now sounding much better ! I had attributed it to the coloring of the music by the equipment . Whatever the reason , the results are definitly worth it !
I know that you are seeking a CDP recommendation and this may be off topic but I would suggest the Granite 657 .
I found it to greatly contribute to the above mentioned factor for CD's. It is in the near 3K range and is difficult to find used . The factory does offer a money back trial period if you like . It does have some comments here on Audiogon if you want to check it out . I also have heard and liked the upper end of the Cary line , at considerable cost increase . I think that either of these will help your rock music to sound better . NO FLAMES PLEASE
I know that you are seeking a CDP recommendation and this may be off topic but I would suggest the Granite 657 .
I found it to greatly contribute to the above mentioned factor for CD's. It is in the near 3K range and is difficult to find used . The factory does offer a money back trial period if you like . It does have some comments here on Audiogon if you want to check it out . I also have heard and liked the upper end of the Cary line , at considerable cost increase . I think that either of these will help your rock music to sound better . NO FLAMES PLEASE