Are there any albums you consider perfect?

My daughter gave me an ipod for my birthday and I have been loading music to it slowly. As a perxon who listens to albums start to finish I have been loading albums I consider high quality beginning to end.
Makes me wonder how many perfect albums there are out there. Steely Dan's "Pretzel Logic" is to me perfect. What I mean by perfect is not one sound needs to be added or subtracted to make it better. Funny thing is, "Pretzel Logic" is not my favorite Steely Dan album, but its sound is perfect. I can only come up with a few.
Pink Floyd, "Wish You Were Here"
Tears For Fears, "Songs From The Big Chair"

Anybody mention 12 Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus? Spirit was at their pinnacle, and very, very capable, not only at hard rock, but at a fusion of jazz style (think the older track, not on this album,- 'Fresh Garbage') and catchy pop. Throw in the great variations in song writing style-- from Nature's Way to 'Street Worm,' and a dose of psychedelic 'mood' (probably the stuff that least stands the test of time, but it is truly of the period) and it's a wonderful listen.
"Quicksand/Cradlesnake," by Caliphone. I'll bet no one has heard of this album. I wouldn't have if I didn't stumble over it on CD at the library. It looked eccentric.

This album is beyond eccentric. As well as conventional rock instruments, a number of sound props are used. It sounds sometimes like dials being tuned. But the singing is mysterious, refering to coyotes, boxers and vampires.

I play it more, I think, than anything else, though I've had it for many years. I think it came out in 2003.
donbagley, if you like califone (great band) check out their predecessor band red red meat---jimmywine majestic is a masterpeiece
I certainly second the motion by Whart on Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus. Simply outstanding music and production. One of my top ten albums of all time. Enjoy!