Are there other people like me ? Amazed by their low cost system :)

Are there other people so much amazed by a relatively low cost system , they consider that is not a stopgap but instead a minimally satisfying ectasy... Each day i am amazed by my speakers and headphone... Am i deaf? Am i ignorant of high end ? Be assured that i know better system with higher acoustic experience and more refined exist ...

My point is an experienced and felt minimal threshold of acoustic qualities and well done and well realized and well manifested acoustic factors exist for me and are at play, for the price invested; so much so , i consider any upgrade way less tempting and if possible would be more, way more , costlier to appear as a real upgrade in quality... For sure an upgrade of part at low cost unbeknowst to me is possible but i must live with what i have for now but i feel no frustration at all. 😊

Am i the only one deluded in this way or enlightened in this way ? Pick your choice of word.... 😎


Are you from an arrogant country where you take the right to lecture people about their goal, needs and budget and about what they like to do in life?😁

We ain’t arrogant, we just have some scary thugs like the CIA who operate beyond our democratic reach and can target the immense riches of stingy rich countries. 😂

On a different note, you’ve been at this forever... long before this thread started. It’s OK to enjoy barrel bottom speakers and convince yourself psychologically that nothing else is better, but, cmon man, atleast get a subwoofer...Next thing i’ll hear is that it’s somehow more nirvana without it. ...But, on that same note, you’ve been praising BACCH for ages now on all kinds of threads. Did you buy it eventually? Or still theorycrafting? Is Trudeau asking the Canadians to claim they’re poor again, as they stash away their immense riches whilst living in fear of big daddy by the border? Bwaaaahahaha

If you had read so much my threads attentively...

You know that i disliked headphones but i MODIFIED my AKG K340 , which is even if you dont know it one of the most interesting design and the only one hybrid with an internal acoustic grid of tuned resonators .. With it i enjoy an "out of the head" speakers like effect already and i experience all spatial qualities which will be enhanced by the BACCH system in his relative way for reasons i will not explained here ...

I am not poor having no debts by the way... I am not rich either ...

But my goal in life dont concern you...

I prefer listening music since i was creative enough to reach this minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold and i am no more frustrated by sound factors lacking or unbalanced...

I cannot afford 10,000 albums of music and many thousand of books as i did and bought your so called plug and play high end system ...😊Bwaaaahahaha...

Acoustics knowledge is the key.... Go on buying gear creativity is enough for me and for others...

As you wisely said :



it is previsible that owners of high end will attack someone who can be too much satisfied and express it especially if many others do it here , with relatively low cost system without too much loss in the acoustic factors balance and knowing why and how to do it at minimal cost...

I am not alone it seems reading my thread , some others enjoy relatively low cost system with their own room and synergy ...


Now as you articulate it well , Bwaaaahahaha...


By the way the BACCH filters i recommended it to inform ourselves as audiophiles is not a costly "tweaks" or a new high end piece of gear, a fad, it is an acoustic revolution in understanding not a toy... Then i encouraged not so much people to buy these filters as to read Choueiri articles and inform themselves BEFORE about crosstalk destructive effect on any stereo system.

Why did i do that ?

It is because i devised my own mechanical ways and experiments to decrease crosstalk and verify acoustic principle at play...😁 Bwaaaahahaha...


Perhaps you walked in life buying...I prefer understanding... And my creativity ... my fun was learning some acoustics not buying ... I modified my speakers porthole and waveguide now they are audiophile stuff with many others tweaks of my own ...Bwaaaahahaha


And last but not least i listen music now, not the sound of my gear frustrated, i listened  the sound of my system/room in the years i devised my acoustics experiments... I listen music few hours each day now happy ... it is behind me because i learned how to do it...Music is enough for me now... Read my commentaries in the classical threads and in the jazz thread or read the one about chinese and japan music... You will see that music was and is my hobby... Acoustics interest me  again and again till now  for philosophical reason related to the relation between qualities perception and consciousness ...






onomatopoeia, slang) Literary device used to express a fit of overwhelming or uncontrollable laughter; the stereotypical "evil laugh". Wiktionary




If you had read so much my threads attentively...

You know that i disliked headphones but i MODIFIED my AKG K340 , which is even if you dont know it one of the most interesting design and the only one hybrid with an internal acoustic grid of tuned resonators .. With it i enjoy an "out of the head" speakers like effect already and i experience all spatial qualities which will be enhanced by the BACCH system in his relative way for reasons i will not explained here ...

I am not poor having no debts by the way... I am not rich either ...

But my goal in life dont concern you...

I prefer listening music since i was creative enough to reach this minimal acoustic satisfaction and i am no more frustrated by sound factors lacking or unbalanced...

I cannot afford 10,000 albums of music and many thousand of books and bought so your called high end system ...😊

Acoustics knowledge is the key.... Go on buying gear creativity is enough for me and for others...

Headphones can sound good because they can cut the room’s confoundance out. But, they are very restricted. You can’t feel the music in the entirety of your physicality with headphones (ear huggers), like you can with a hifi system.

If you’re running a pair of speakers without a sub, you are missing entire lower octaves of music contained in some of your recordings. No matter what acoustical interventions and positional eq’ing you may have done, it is highly unlikely that you’re fully addressing room modes and so on without deploying subs. The acoustical satisfaction is sliding down a bit there, in light of all the above mentioned. 😁

On the same note, I am not a high end snob. I have gear at different price brackets including high end gear. But, i usually don’t buy high end gear at full price and take the big L on resale. I buy it used or at killer deals so i can cut even when i sell it. When i do find something at a lower price bracket that can keep up or beat it (due to trickle down, technological advancements, etc), i sell the newly sonically obsoleted high end gear and get my money back. Later on, if i find some high end again that’s mind blowing, i’ll buy it and then i’ll beat it over time with the lower priced gear (as things improve), get my money back, etc. That’s the cycle i operate on.

There is rarely a thing called a poor product these days among competent gear. There is only a thing called the poor value for price product.

People making generalization miss always the point...

You cannot know what my modified K340 can do...

When i listened them with organ music from Bach by Marie Claire alain for example, i hear the church acoustic OUT OF MY HEAD, as if i was there... i felt the higher bass in my chest not in my ears... And i felt the bass notes till 20 hertz in my feet by bones resonance... The first time i even was so surprized i jump on my chair ...Bwaaaahahaha...


As usual with many audiophiles they bash others experience to promote their favorite fad fetish gear pieces as the ONLY solution... In your case subs grid...

You dont seems to be an exception to this rule...

And you are so oblivious of others needs that you cannot imagine that some own now a small acoustic room with no real need for many subs or even one for many other reasons too ....

Then in your ignorance you decreed that with no subs no system could be audiophile perceived experience...

Pathetically childish ...





Headphones can sound good because they can cut the room’s confoundance out. But, they are very restricted. You can’t feel the music in the entirety of your physicality with headphones (ear huggers), like you can with a hifi system.

If you’re running a pair of speakers without a sub, you are missing entire lower octaves of music contained in some of your recordings. No matter what acoustical interventions and positional eq’ing you may have done, it is highly unlikely that you’re fully addressing room modes and so on without deploying subs. The acoustical satisfaction is sliding down a bit there, in light of all the above mentioned. 😁

What you just described is consumerism in audiophile products...

I had nothing against that.,..

But use your brain and think about others people looking for their own solution without this cycle of upgrades...

My cycle is learning how to install acoustically optimally and mechanically optimally and electrically optimally with my own devices what i already have if synergy was reach...


Later on, if i find some high end again that’s mind blowing, i’ll buy it and then i’ll beat it over time with the lower priced gear (as things improve), get my money back, etc. That’s the cycle i operate on.

There is a price to pay if we neglect to study and experiment with acoustics... ( not to mention mechanical and electrical embeddings controls)

We will then focus only on gear upgrades instead of embedding rightfully in our room what we already have ( if the system synergy is there to start with for sure ) ...

it is a joke but it say something ... 😊


By the way i can very well hear any gear change impact in my systems, even cables...Then get my point right ...😁😊😎

I am not a narrow objectivist ideologue enebriated with few measuring tools... 😊

But i am not a subjectivist tasting gear as he taste wine and changing them each month because he is bored and need a new flavor...

I promote creativity and acoustics  thinking...