Are tubes really “warm”?

Time and again I read posts that claim/assume that tubes sound “warm.” I have not found this to be the case. Having owned many high quality tube amps and preamps, I find that tube electronics present more natural highs than many ss designs. But warm?? Not in my experience. Can someone explain what it is about the tube sound that many consider “warm?”
This is always fun.  A coworker stops buy, walks in the front door sees tube stuff. We listen to a few songs, he says he enjoyed the listen, and never realised tubes could sound so, so wonderful.. I never said a word... It's ALL SS.  Another time, visa versa. I get told how SS is so much better, clean, sharp, dynamic, bass is right there... We're listening to all Valves.. Might be 50-60 year old tec too.. I never say a word..
Same guy, would NEVER go for a class d.. or tubes.. C20, Nord NC500
He knew it was my Krell/Krell set up...Just knew it...
LOL...Hay when it's right it's right.. Who cares... I'm stuck on better, for a reasonable $$$$$ amount.

Tubes and analog seem to be more ambient. This is euphoric and not necessarily accurate, a very old argument.
This is all about that first watt, where low level detail resides. Its not about euphonic character, just more accurate- and since there is more low level detail, more ambience as well.
Does organic and natural=warmth. SET tubes are my long time preference. I have difficulty describing the sound of my rig. I just know I like the “warm sound” of my SET amp and preamp and my lovely TT. Speaking of “warm”, After many years of listening to my CD transport and my tube DAC, I am now addicted to vinyl. When comparing vinyl to digital, my vinyl sounds “warm”! I guess the proverbial “warm” is more to my subjective liking. SS sound is subjectively more “cold” whether tube or solid state.
Kaitty apparently wanted everybody to know about his Walkman/Grado rig as he's mentioned it here more than once, which he may backtrack from any second as hey, so would anybody else.