Are "vintage" DAC's worthwhile, or is this a tech that does not age well

whether it’s worth looking into old dac such as
Spectral SDR 2000,
Mark Levinson No.35 (36)
or so Sonic Frontiers Sfd-2 Mk2 DAC.

Digital audio is the fasted moving, now improving category out there
Because to this day they have no usb connection or other options.
But is it necessary?
Or is it better to still focus on a truly time-tested sound?

(sorry for my English)

Showing 1 response by curlyhifi

I own several DACS . Some current and some Vintage.
Not to promote one against the other. i.e. My Krell SBP 32X sounds way better then some of todays moderately priced DAC's.
The ones you're considering are very good. If you can get them at a reasonable price (Check some of the reviews behind them) you will be very satisfied.