are we are own worst enemies?

Why do audiophiles sell their used equipment for 50% or more, off of the retail price. I feel that if a piece of used equipment is in mint condition, 65% of retail would be a fair asking price. Since most of the sellers on audiogon sell their equipment for 50% of retail, I am forced to do the same, if I want to make a sale. I find this practice strange, especially when dealers will only discount 10% of retail on new equipment. Anyone care to comment?

Showing 1 response by lev335

Jazz nut, You really need to evaluate what you own. If you have bought a new sony receiver for 1,000 then $500 would be tops unless somone really wanted that unit.Which is again based on supply and demand. There are some High end audio manufactures who seem to hold their value extremly well such as Levinson ,Krell audio Research & Jeff Rowland to name the top few. Now these Are very well known and are among the best when it comes to build quality and customer support. Yes the prices are high but the resale value is also high. Iam not saying buy a peice of gear because the resale value is high you must buy what you like but when it comes time to sell you must also realize what the majority of the people own and want. Its too bad people dont appreciate other high end that isnt as well known. There are many under rated companys out there. So dont get upset when you dont get what you want just hold out and the buyer will come.
BTW: I have had a pair of Martin Logan Ascents on Audiogon for a little over 3 weeks and they are still there. They are in mint condition and Iam asking 3,500 I get I had a guy offer me 2,000 for them they list for 4,400 they are only 4 months old. So the morale to my story is we all go through it from time to time. I had sold my Levinson 335 for 5,500 which was a little high but it was two months old but it sold. Stick to your guns. Good Luck