Are Your Ears Good? Simple Test For Your Ears


Just a simple test to check the condition of your ears. When listening to music, use your thumb to block the passageway of the right ear. Listen for about 10 seconds, then repeat for the left ear.

My left ear hears a fuller sound across the frequency spectrum. With the right ear, the sound is thinner and leaner with reduced bass and midrange. Both ears hear differently.

I have a deviated septum, and perhaps this condition has contributed to my imperfect hearing.


What i wouldnt give to be able to hear like the creatures in the movie "A Quiet Place" lol ..... Now maybe they can hear the difference a fuse makes :)

From what I understand, even though we can’t directly “hear” much above 20khz, the “ information “  transmitted above that can substantially affect imaging & overtones  which are important parts of sound  reproduction. 

That test is not in any way reliable. An audiogram is the only reliable way to check hearing - up to 8K at least.

There is another easy way. Can you tell your wife word for word what she said to you an hour ago? LoL