Art Dudley's Audio Note AN-E SPe He Speakers

Has anyone elso heard these speakers that Art favorably reviewed in August's Stereophile and what are your impressions?
I am also considering the Audio Note speakers. I have a couple of questions for the AN intellegencia. What is the comporable less effecient speaker in the AN line to the E SPe HE's? What amp and pre would be a good ballanced match for the SPe HE?

I currently have a 30 watt ARS Sonum integrated amp that I am quite fond of. I am pondering two scenarios. One is to get the less effecient AN speaker and live happily ever after. The other is to go with the E SPe HE's and get by with the current system until I drink the AN Koolaide and go all AN with SE low watt down the road.

Any insights would be appreciated.

AN up for this thread.
I have at home since few weeks a pair of AN E SPe HE (with the new hemp woofer) and it's a wonderful speaker. Fast, rich, natural and very dynamic. Low level is better than with non HE and you can play louder than before.

Most of the time, I really appreciate Audio Note products and between them, I appreciate more these HE speakers.

