Articles You Feel Should be Shared

I’ll kick off with a recent posting by the remarkably clear-sighted and even handed Archimago.

Once again cutting through layers of mostly deliberate confusion, obfuscation and denial.

Production, Reproduction and Perception - the 3 pillars upon which everything in our audiophile world stands, is my new mantra.

So simple it’s surprising that no one else pointed it out earlier.

Be sure to also check out his follow up blog from Wednesday, 11 March 2020.
Here's a book review (Optimal Audio and Video Reproduction at Home (Vincent Verdult, 2019) from the redoubtable Archimago which may be of interest.

Often these types of books can seem a little too dry for general audiophile tastes - this one may not be.

Markus Sauer - God is in the Nuances. Stereophile Jan 19 2000.

Here’s an article, quite lengthy (if you plan to read it give yourself a good 20 -30 minutes) but symptomatic of an approach that somewhat disturbed me back in the days I sought to climb the ladder to audio Nirvana.

My attention was hooked almost immediately upon reading what Markus had written.

"In the July 1994 Stereophile (p.19), I "outed" myself as a triode-and-high-sensitivity-loudspeakers man."

I was puzzled, I mean why do people who had been far further up this mythical ladder often suddenly disembark and decide to find solace in equipment which seemed positively antiquated by the standards of the day?

Markus Sauer was not alone in this approach. Far from it.

I’m sure some on here will already be familiar with this wide ranging article (which focuses on the analogue/digital and objective/subjective debates amongst other topics) but for those who aren’t it’s certainly well worth a look.

Since Siegfried Linkwitz was mentioned above, here is his site, one of monumental importance to audiophiles (IMO). 
There's advice about speaker building as well as construction plans for outstanding speakers (I heard the Orions II—to say I was blown away is saying too little)

Agreed. I bet more than a few designers have had a good look there too.

I especially like the Basics Section featuring Loudspeakers and Issues in Speaker Design. Just a quick glance reveals just how closely Siegfried Linkwitz examined all the minute details. Everything from the magical speaker disappearing trick to the way drive units are mounted to the baffle is covered here.

The link given above seems to be blocked by my ISP but this one works, at least in the UK.