Artists that use the same song structure... different songs.

I've noticed it before. More recently, it was hard to ignore while listening to SRV "I'm Cryin'" all the while I was thinking "Pride & Joy". Thoughts?

It does seem beneath him.
Does anyone on here listen to anything avant-garde...?? I always see the same genres/artists referenced...
Avant-garde is highly subjective. To some its recordings of steam trains; others its Captain Beefheart, still others U2. To be honest, I find most "avant-garde" to be highly self absorbed. Just my .02
"Avant-garde is highly subjective. To some its recordings of steam trains; others its Captain Beefheart, still others U2. To be honest, I find most "avant-garde" to be highly self absorbed. Just my .02"

I suspect you possess the platitudes when one is to elucidate avant-garde...again, very predictable.
Phasecorrect, I agree--good is good and bad is bad, regardless of whether it's primitive, complicated or somewhere in between. Of course, it's subjective and there are no absolutes in this matter.