ASI Liveline...Burn-In Experience

Hello Friends,
I just bought a pair of ASI Liveline interconnects. It has done just about 10 hours. While its very detailed and tonally rich but I find the sound to be a bit forward and the background is not very clean. Is it because its not burnt in ? Would like to know from other ASI users, how their cables behaved when new and after burn in ?
Also typically what would be the adequate hours the cable should undergo to burn in ?

I cannot imagine a cable thats so well reviewed and accepted and in fact a giant killer to have a sound that is not clean. Kindly share opinion on this cable.
Why do some Agon members start a thread and never finish it? Hey, Pani! How're the Liveline interconnects sounding? They should be past their 150 hour break-in by now, I'd imagine.
He sold them and is trying something different.

Running out of patience pills is costly.

10 hrs. LMAO
Glory, doesn't look like Pani got rid of his ASI. Read the second ASI thread below this one. Pani's posting of 08-18-09 has nothing but praise for the ASI.
ASI was sold long back. I tried it for about 200 hours and finally could not take the extra edge and somewhat artificially boosted high frequency shine of the cable. My final impressions remain pretty much the same as mentioned in the beginning of this thread. It is not a cable with "neutral" "natural" sound. It does things to enhance few things which I call hifi-sh and in a system where it such things are required or desired, this cable would be a great addition and a steal for the price.
Hi Pani,
This is a good example of how opinions can greatly differ depending on the listener,system and expectations.
My objective is to produce the most natural, pure and realistic music reproduction(organic and emotional) that I can without sacrificing resolution and nuance.

Every component I own currently was selected based on reaching that goal. The ASI Liveline loom is simply outstanding! It is for me the epitomy of 'natural' uncolored, vibrant and preserves purity of tone and timbre.It`s utterly open,transparent and yet there`s an overall sense of ease and liquidity.

It just demostrates how no component or cable will universally satisfy eveyone,ASI works brilliantly for me but was`nt right for pani`s taste and system.