AT&T ST glass vs. AES/EBU connection

Just wondering how the fellow "goners" feel about the reproduction qualities between these 2 formats. In particular, I am comparing the Kimber 1/2m orchid balanced interconnect against a Seicor ST glass fiber optic cord. These are being utilized between a Genesis Time Lense and a Timbre DAC. The manuals say that the greatest bandwidth is realized with the ST glass connection, but I was wondering if and how the supposedly additional 2 volts provided by the balanced connection would affect the sound.
Thanks guys for your comments! I totally agree at this point that the Glass sounds better.
I used to have dacs that accepted glass and EBU. I strongly preferred the glass. Jim Aud recommends 10 m. as the minimum length? Now that I have the Meitner I am back to glass. It, of course, breaks the ground.
This is a very component dependent comparison. I had the accuphase seperates and they sounded best with the AT&T/ST glass cable, but that's how they were designed to be used. Different components will perform differently with various digital cable connections depending what the designer felt was a superior cable design. The only sure way to find out what's best is of course listen to them both, and see which one you like better. Like Glen said AT&T cables never really caught on in the audiophile world, so not many companies tried them and even fewer are using them today.
To do a true A-B comparison of these two cables I would increase the length of the AES/EBU to 1-1/2meters (Industry recomended length)

Most designers and engineers have proven (in theory) that AT&T glass is a better connection. But for some reason the audiophile community never really excepted it.

I've never had a pre-amp with the AT&T input so I can't say from experience.