Atma-Sphere S-30 MK3

To Atma owners and gurus;

I've just recently jumped on the Atma wagon and I must say that so far this has been the single most eye & ear opening amplifier experience in my entire audio life of almost 28 years.

The S-30mk3 has been residing in my rig for close to 4 months now and is still breaking in, but should be almost done anytime soon.

I do however complain of an un-natural tonality in general that comes and goes during the break-in period and which was also very clear from the beginning. This is also accompanied by a certain 'hardness'..much like looking directly into sunlight as opposed to looking through a pair of poloroids..This issue is really bugging me and was wondering if it's part of the break-in process of Atmasphere amps in general, as I have never experienced it with other amps, tube or SS..

This aside, the amp seems to be taking forever to break-in..!!! But, it certainly looks to be my holy grail in amplification.

Along the way, I replaced the stock Chinese 6SN7's with EH's and now settled on Tung-Sol's. The latter being the best sounding of the lot. I do wanna stick to current production tubes as much as possible. Don't wanna go on the NOS merry-go-round..:-)

The S-30 is driving a pair of Tannoy Edinburgh's, from the Tannoy Prestige Series, to wonderful effect and the sound is heavenly! Preamp is a BAT VK-3iX Special Edition and is also a very good sonic match with the S-30..

Appreciate any input and of course any advice from the Atmasphere gurus and lovers here..!



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This year I took possession of new MA1 MKIII's (having lived with the original MA-1's for 17 years)

I did not notice much of a break in. The difference from the (very) old to the new was evident immediately.

I also didn't notice hot and cold listening sessions, if I'm understanding you correctly.

The one thought that comes to mind is that perhaps the S-30 is slightly underpowered for your setup, which could account for the "hardness" you mentioned.

I see the Tannoy is 94db so they are pretty efficient (and 8 ohms, which is good for OTL's), however Tannoy rates 50-300 watts as the range? I'm just guessing here - maybe you are not driving the amps hard at all?

Also I suggest getting premium fuses (I use Hi FI Tuning).