Mission, I think the upgrade path is prefereable to having three models to choose from and having to sell my unit to move up the line. It seems more cost effective to be able to buy what you can afford today, and move up the chain as money allows. The product is more than "worthy" in basic form, but allows even better performance down the road - I think this approach makes a lot of sense as a owner/user.
Atma-Sphere S-30 MK3
To Atma owners and gurus;
I've just recently jumped on the Atma wagon and I must say that so far this has been the single most eye & ear opening amplifier experience in my entire audio life of almost 28 years.
The S-30mk3 has been residing in my rig for close to 4 months now and is still breaking in, but should be almost done anytime soon.
I do however complain of an un-natural tonality in general that comes and goes during the break-in period and which was also very clear from the beginning. This is also accompanied by a certain 'hardness'..much like looking directly into sunlight as opposed to looking through a pair of poloroids..This issue is really bugging me and was wondering if it's part of the break-in process of Atmasphere amps in general, as I have never experienced it with other amps, tube or SS..
This aside, the amp seems to be taking forever to break-in..!!! But, it certainly looks to be my holy grail in amplification.
Along the way, I replaced the stock Chinese 6SN7's with EH's and now settled on Tung-Sol's. The latter being the best sounding of the lot. I do wanna stick to current production tubes as much as possible. Don't wanna go on the NOS merry-go-round..:-)
The S-30 is driving a pair of Tannoy Edinburgh's, from the Tannoy Prestige Series, to wonderful effect and the sound is heavenly! Preamp is a BAT VK-3iX Special Edition and is also a very good sonic match with the S-30..
Appreciate any input and of course any advice from the Atmasphere gurus and lovers here..!