I have a Atma Sphere UV-1 without the Moving Magnet pre-amp section......I need a schematic so I can complete this project.....I don't mind paying a fair price for this schematic.......Let me know    Will
Where would we have been in the repair business without the people like Howard Sams and all the companies that provided schematics.....I was in the TV repair industry half my life and it wouldn't have been possible without provided schematics by the electronic industries.......The only thing you get out of that is poorly repaired equipment, repaired by uninformed repair people........Who benefits from that ??   No -body  ............Will        
I am surprised you can't deduce the circuit from the info Ralph gave you. If you buy the amp and open it up, you should be able to draw the circuit from following the pathways. I used to do that all the time with old tube amps like Croft, Leak, Radford, TVA etc.
I can't believe I can get so many answers , that have nothing to do with the problem.....It would take all of 5 minutes with a diagram....Most of the people answering this thread have never even worked on a tube amp , much less tried to modify one.........The reason Ralph can sell one of these for so much money , is there is some engineering involved........I have a better idea, I will sell you this thing and you can work on it tell the end of time if you want.......That way you might learn something and then be able to help others instead of suggesting reverse engineering something that is not complete.......When I started this project I though it would be very simple to get a diagram and complete this in a couple hours but I probably won't live long enough to get a diagram.......I think I'll get rid of all of the Atma Sphere stuff I have.....I can put it with the  VPI stuff I can't get parts for....That will take care of two problems.....Watch on Audiogon for the Atma Sphere sale......Please no more suggestions on this , I'm done with it all.....Thanks

I don't know how they compare, but since Ralph says they are similar:

Frank Van Alstine at one time, and perhaps currently, offered an update/mod for the Dynaco PAS (2 and 3) pre-amps. Very reasonably priced, and a nice, very quiet, little tube pre. Better imo than some later, much higher-priced, "High End" tube pre-amps.

It seems to me that:

1)Ralph has provided as much information as he can, within the bounds of practicality and reasonableness.
2)What he has provided is a lot more than what most manufacturers would have provided.
3)What he has provided is all of the information needed to readily create a schematic.
4)It seems extremely unlikely that anyone else has created a schematic.
5)A lot of the information you indicated is necessary beyond what Ralph has provided, e.g., "parts placement for low noise problems," would not be included in a schematic anyway. (The Sams "schematics" from days of yore, that were referred to earlier, were a good deal more than just schematics).

Those are the facts which must be dealt with, as I understand them. Why those facts should result in a reaction such as "I think I’ll get rid of all of the Atma Sphere stuff I have" is beyond me.

-- Al