Attention: Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business

I cannot believe that I am the first to post this.

Any comments to this? Was this just well known to everyone but me?
Very sad, but not too surprising after the sale. I spoke to the new owners at CES this past January (right after the sale), and they were frankly clueless. Not just about the Dunlavy line, but audio in general.

Hopefully, the DAL products will return, but without someone as knowlegable and passionate as John at the helm, it is hard to imagine that the speakers will be as good.
Wait till you see what Dunlavy products are worth on the used market. It like Hales products buyer beware!!!
Mgminc, the one good thing about Dunlavy, they did use Vifa and Scanspeak drivers, so there easy to get.
Does anybody know the model of the Vifa and Scanspeak drivers used in SC-VI?

I am going to keep my SC-VI because they are great, and would like to get some replacement drivers, just in case.

I will not blame dunlavy owner to feel bad for the
closing of the company, way back my friend want to
sell me his Andra with pressure, like on the spot
write a check move, I did not agree the way the deal
is going, whenever there is pressure, you wonder why.
So I said let me call Eggleston first, his world
crumble,because he does not want me to find out that
time they close, of course Egglestonworks is doing ok
now, So I bought the Andra last NOV 02.By the way this
guy is no longer a friend just aquintance, of course
there was a hard feeling between the two of us.FOR
the is no longer a friend, just aquintance.