Audient Technologies Tactic/Audit & Genesis DL

I am hoping someone will read this and help me figure out how to connect a Audient Technologies Tactic/Audit system along with a Genesis Digital lens.

The Tactic get hooked to the transport and the Audit connects to the DAC. Then both pieces are joined by a digital interconnect. My problem is the Genesis Digital Lens has to be in the chain between the Transport and Dac. I don't have any other instruction-on if this even possible. Some have tried to assist me from Audiogon; but, the advice is vague. So, anyone out there who has a working knowledge of this system hooked along with jitter reducer such as the Genesis Digital Lens, Audio Alchemy 2.0 (or higher) or Monarchy Audio Dip- please help. I was thinking maybe it could be accomplished as below:

1. Tactic to Transport Digital out
2. Audit to Digital in of GDL
3. Then connect the audit and tactic via digtial coax cable,
4. Digital out on GDL to Digital in on DAC
5. Then RCA on DAC to Pre-Amp.



The Lens receiver chip did not lock onto my Cary 303/200 as a transport, try a different transport.

Cheers George
Go to old listing for pictures on Audiogon:Listing ID: LIS312I8

Here's info from members in the past--hopes this answer's your question.

Audient technologies made the Audit (used at the DAC) and the Tactic (used at the Transport) They virtually eliminated reflections and problems with cables. Resulted in very musical and more natural (shall we say analog here?) to digital.

2 unit active analog transformers. Not re-clocking devices, but reduces R.F.I./ E.M.I. & cleans up data stream between transport & DAC.Comes w/ digital cable, but will make any coax. cable sound better.

I simply am trying to use both Tactic/Audit and Genesis Digital Lens--No seems to know if I can use together.
To Georgelofi- My Genesis Digital Lens locks on to the my McCormack SST-1, just fine.

Ok I thought you had a problem, back to my first answer then.

"I just had CD Transport to Genesis Lens to Dac that's all you need."

Cheers George