Audio Aero Capitole II with no serial numbers?

I"m kinda' concerned about something going on here, and I think people should be aware of possible illegal goings-on. There are people selling Audio Aero Capitole MkII CD players at big discounts, with lame reasons for why they are getting rid of them so fast. It seems obvious that they got hold of them through irregular channels and are flipping them immediately for a profit, by-passing the dealers, etc.
One guy says that the players are from Europe, with no serial numbers (?!?!?!?!?)and therefore no Warranty.
Like, I want to buy a player like that with no Warranty and probably no good will from the distributor or dealers here to help me out?!? How do I know that the player isn't stolen, and will be confiscated if I do take it to a place that knows how to fix it that has connections to Audio Aero?
BUYER BEWARE people!!!!

Showing 1 response by saxman2

I am a AA capitole owner. I am very happy with the
product. My MKII was purchased from Jtinn and couldn't be
happier with the service he has provided. On the other hand
I was recently contacted by one of these gray market dealers
offering me a new in wooden crate MKII for 6000. No thanks
I could just see the reply you would get the first you had
a problem. My MKII is working beautifully.