Audio Desk Record Cleaner

Does anyone have info or experience with their new Ultrasonic Vinyl Cleaning System. I believe it retails for $3500. Don

Showing 3 responses by davt

Supplied fluid, it would be difficult to use something else as the ultrasonic bubbles would likely cause severe foaming in most cases.
I got my Audio Desk cleaner last night. Got it home and by 7 am cleaned more records than I have ever done in 2 months. I am extemely happy. It works so well and so easy I am waiting for something to happen, nothing ever works this good. I am really surprised how much cleaner they are than the VPI with triple wash. That being said, the VPI is great as well and if you do not have a RCM and cost is an issue I strongly recommend the VPI.
Isochronism, yes, it is filtered, it is the filtering process that is important. When I was a grad student we made our own lab water with a very nice filter system. Started out with tap water. Could be toilet water for that matter as long as one filters it properly.