Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
So what's happening with the "mad scientist" Rx8man lately? You've been kind of quiet. Care to share your new tweak?
Busy "workin" to help support this crazy habit.

I sent my interconnects to La45 for a comparison with his, so I'll be down for a while.

Sherod, what turned out with the oil cans ?
The oilers are still in the preamp and am just trying to enjoy the music for a while. These caps really didn't smooth out until well past 400 hours. I am saving my pennies, though, to try out the V-cap teflons some day.
FYI, I have noticed that Audio Horizons is now advertising thier long awaited phono preamp on Audiogon adds under tube-preamp. Victor wrote a lengthy "article" with pictures and detailed explanation of specs. Obviously they are very pleased with how the product turned out. Temps me to return my vinyl to my main system. Has anyone heard a prototype or ordered one on the free home trail?
Pat, what cables is Lou comparing? Sorry for the use of first names, but this username crap becomes so impersonal for me when communicating sometimes. Ain't that right Rx8man and La45 ?