Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Has anyone been able to communicate with Victor lately through e-mails? I e-mailed him and he's not responding. Also, I tried to e-mail Joseph at the last address he had: and the e-mail is being kicked back to me. Has Joseph changed his e-mail address?
Stltrains,forget the Bryston BP 26,been there,done that,got the T Shirt.The magic just isn't there.I'm not famaliar with the Pass gear,so no comment.
Please contact Joseph at, Vic is out of town for a week, Thank you!
Has anyone ever asked Joseph or Victor if the two output caps in the TP 2.0 and 2.1 are a matched pair ?
Here is some feedback on the Audio Horizons phono preamp. A friend of mine who has been auditioning one kindly lent me his for a few days.
I do not have much to compare it to in terms of other phono preamps and I am not sure of the "greatness" of my cartridge, but I am putting on the same artist and title on CD and phono and listening that way A-B. I am impressed with the phono being very natural, easy and relaxed sounding yet with sparkle and snap. It is very close to the sound of excellent CDs in terms of things that CDs do well. Air and bloom are very good and sound stage is excellent. It is an ultraquiet unit. I would be very happy to purchase the AH unit.
I have used Dark Side of the Moon, some Liszt Transcendental Etudes, Joan Sutherland arias, some solo guitar and piano and a symphonic piece for the comparisons.
Thorens 180TD turntable, Stanton cartridge, AH preamp, Aragon 8008BB amp and Von Sweikert VR4SR speakers.
Hope this helps anyone considering the phono pre.