Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Hi Ckoffend

Yes, I think Joseph can build your pre with an HT pass through. I would email him to confirm. The 2.1 is very smooth in the treble and would be a great match with a nice SS amp like your Krell. Stage is wide and deep. One of the preamps strenghts is its balanced from top to bottom.

I think this pre would add a nice element of body and texture to your amp and speakers. It has done so with my systems. I did use the 2.1 with a Belles SS amp and found the combo very nice indeed.

Just try one! Nothing to lose as you can return it if you choose.

Based on what you need and the rest of your system I would go for the top of the line in terms of add-ons. Get the best with the Siemens tubes if you can afford it. I have this unit with remote.

Good luck.

Some of you might like to read the latest review of the Audio Horizons TP 2.1 in Stereomojo:

Yes, great review. It's nice to see Audio Horizons getting the positive press it deserves!


FWIW, I did communicate with Victor at AH regarding the HT passthrough and it was reported to me that it is an option or feature than can be integrated into the preamps, and at a very, very reasonable price. IMHO, this is a real plus with this preamp and AH should consider promoting this as a viable option as in my opinion, it opens up the market for this preamp. We have all seen the numbers of Threads of people looking for preamps (tubed or SS) with HT passthrough and/or unity gain. While these preamps/features are becoming much more common there are some shoppers who will not consider preamps that do not have this feature.