
Discussions ckoffend has started

New to SET - Help in all areas95179
Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE Preamp2451311
"DCS Delius" DAC direct to Amp?102987
Putting together $10K smaller room system?36602
Digital XLR vs. Analog XLR - Balanced Cables4770640
From Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1 to ?3286615
Digital Cable SPDIF/COAX to AES/EBU Balanced?51532
Audio Aero Capitole 24/19642145
Aesthetix Calypso - High or Low Gain Setting?38663
Calypso Amplifier Matching - Krell?50698
How did we get into this crazy hobby?400011
Best Pre for Krell Amps45256
Ground Loop Hum - Partially Identified - Solution?448911
Totem Speakers with Channel Island D200 Amps29881
CD players/Transports/DACs57559