Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Hi Robert,
No reason to feel lost. It's quite simple. E-mail or call Victor or Joseph to make arrangements for an audition. AH has a money-back return policy if you aren't happy with the preamp in your own system.

I did replace my AH with the TRL Dude, but my AH preamp did not have the latest upgrades available from AH. I think his latest with all available upgrades would cost well over $4500. The Dude cost $3500.

I would like to compare the two someday and may.

Charlie, no I don't drink at all and I know it sounds a little strange, but the tweek with sand bags really helps some amps - not all amps :-)

The Sistrum stands are the real deal on all gear and speakers I have ever tried them under.
I just upgraded the caps and wiring in my Reference 3a Dulcet speakers. The cap is the new Duelund VSF copper foil and it is as good as they say it is. Can you say "natural"? After much break-in, these speakers are really showing just how good Joseph's preamp is, particularly now that the pre's output caps have the new Claritycap MR caps in them. The transparency, dynamics and musicality is " to-die-for". (O:
Sherod aint life grand when your stereo can deliver that natural sound.
What kind of wire did you use.
The wire is a custom-made UPOCC copper solid core that Reference 3A buys in bulk. They sent me enough to do the pair. Interesting that the tweeter wire is .56mm and the mid/woofer is 1.26mm.