I’ve never worked for anyone that the product they handled, didn’t sell itself. If I had to sell something to someone to fix their equipment. I made it very clear every time "YOU DON’T HAVE TO BUY IT".
Conversely if tuning disk don’t work why do others use them? It’s pretty simple really, they do effect the field that certain cables carry more so than others. That is the whole point of the disk. They work better with certain materials and constructs. In order to see a more prolific effect you have to use their product which it has a greater impact on.
Actually if there is enough truth, but not "to many lies" applied to a product, that only adds to the Mystique of the the product.
One persons change in sound is another’s life changing moment because they heard a cow bell for the first time on their favorite LP. The only issue is, you can hear the cow bell but now you have one note bass or the highs just went away.
It’s not always either or. When people can’t hear a change, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Others swear mouse farts have ruined the recording. The key is knowing which things can reduce mouse fart noise. It may be that change you didn’t hear to begin with that saves the day.
What didn’t work yesterday, doesn’t mean it won’t work for something else today or maybe tomorrow. I learned a long time ago. Being a hero and knowing everything new is heaped in the "can’t work" pile kinda sucks for the folks that used in the right place at the right time.. Duct tape and Apollo 13!.
Duct tape May not be the answer to stereo, where you can see it.. I’ve seen a lot of duct tape in great speakers, though.. :-)
Sometimes I prove thing wrong, sometimes I prove things right. Knowing the difference is why they call a mechanic a journeyman when you can’t tell the difference and fool yourself into thinking different, we call that an apprentices. When no one can figure it out, well that hasn’t happened yet.