Responses from jpwarren58
«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!» I have the same concerns regarding my library. Legacy can be a fickle mistress. | |
Integrated amp with preamp tubes Modwright makes an excellent one tube integrated. Excellent phono stage and the one tube keeps the rolling simple | |
Whats playing on your system today? There seems to be a muskiness in the air. The Richest Man in Babylon Thievery Corporation | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? WNCW Outstanding | |
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover) Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill | |
Whats playing on your system today? Sweet Little Shoe Jessie Winchester | |
Who is Roon? I am Groon. | |
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System One more thing for you audiokarens.... More packages have been transit challenged by poor labeling and inadequate packing than all the lazy, overpaid, covid influenced, apathetic employees put together. Put that in your amp and plug it. Coming... | |
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System And a hundred years from now we shall be recognized as living in the Golden age of shipping. | |
Anyone read this NYT story about analog audio bars? Membership clubs would be best as business costs would be paid upfront while input and equipment choices decided amongst the membership. Evaluations and equipment updated often. Not to mention music selection also curated by the whole. Could star... | |
The last 20 years of Home Power Have Been Amazing Eric, Here's a story. Neighbor here in the lowcountry had lightning hit tree then it went to his gutters, then to internal supporting bolts in footers, then to random outlets zapping his dryer, washer, and two tv's. Would these upgraded outlets y... | |
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System Christmas season is problematic. Seasonal employees, overworked staff, taxed name it. I've shipped and received hundreds of items through USPS with nary an issue. And based on your last post it has appeared on the tracking platform... | |
Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems? EQ products are a tool to help. Also utilizing other ears to listen can assist, especially young ears. | |
… "And the government shall be upon his shoulders" Isaiah is not a book of prophecy. Written by two different authors at different times both exhorting their present day Israel to do better. Data over Dogma youtube videos do a great job outlining the current academic consensus Now if you hold th... | |
What contributes most to a change in how an amplifier sounds? $ |