Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


                       One man’s mountain, is another’s molehill.


If you can hear the difference then you need to decide is the difference between $100 cables a d $1000 cables worth the money. Everyone's answer will be different.

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"A neighbor on one side has a den with Tiffany lamps"

Difference being, if they where real Tiffany Lamps, verses Tiffany style lamps they would be worth a fortune.

"A neighbor on the other side has a den with overhead fluorescent lighting."

Not so much and one would be much happier than the other ...