Audio Note Japan vs Audio Note UK--Comments?

Would very much appreciate hearing from anyone in the know.
Vinylphile's response is ill informed and is referring to a situation that is at least 7 years old, today there is little difference in quality between the parts used by us and Mr. Kondo.

The main designer here is Andy Grove and has been since 1994, his competence speaks for itself.

We do not need to "clone" any of Mr. Kondo's designs everything we do is completely original from the ground up, as evidenced by our DACs, pre-amplifiers and turntables amongst others.
Peter Qvortrup
As I stated before, AN UK is great stuff. I have Soro SE Phono, CD2.1 cd player, AZ3 speakers, AN-L speaker wires, and tomorrow am ordering a pair of AN-J Spe speakers. I aspire to their higher level products, as my interests are primarily analog, and their equiptment shines here.

I would recommend it to anyone, and have repeatedly. The higher level DACS from AN UK are truly world class products if that is what you are in to, and can afford them. Hell, I think the Level 2 stuff is world class for the money!

Do your self a favor and give them an audition. DOn't worry about what some say about the "politics" of the two companies. In case you didn't know, Peter Qvortrup, the man in the thread above, is the Big Boss Man at AN UK. He has never failed to respond to one of my emails, and will help out HIMSELF if you have questions. WHat more can you ask for?

Vinylphile's response is ill informed and is referring to a situation that is at least 7 years old, today there is little difference in quality between the parts used by us and Mr. Kondo.

The main designer here is Andy Grove and has been since 1994, his competence speaks for itself.

We do not need to "clone" any of Mr. Kondo's designs everything we do is completely original from the ground up, as evidenced by our DACs, pre-amplifiers and turntables amongst others.
Peter Qvortrup
I would add that while a used Shinri (Audio Note Japan/Kondo SET stereo 300b amplifier) is on the top of my list if one can be found at a realistic price the UK stuff is simply great for the price points especially at the lower levels (0, 1, 2, and 3).

The SORO integrated amplifier has to be one of the better values on the market. It has the necessary power to drive most speakers, uses tubes that do not cost a small fortune and can be found easily, and is very reliable. Oh, it sounds damned good, too. Audio Note UK products from the 90s used are great valued; ie, like the DAC 1 (standard and Signature), Conqueror amps, and M1/M2 preamps.

I recently bought a new M1 Phono preamp from Nick Gown at Truesound ( It was put together on special order right before last year's CES and is great when combined with the Audio Note Conqueror, DAC 1 Sig, and Audio Note Turntable 1/ARM2/Dynavector DV20x.

Kondo stuff is incredible. If you can find, and afford, a used original Ongaku you will be quite surprised at how powerful and great this thing sounds.

Do a search on AA for 'Dear friends of Audio Note Japan' to get the other side's version of the matter. Having worked in the U.K. for a Japanese audio company in the late '70s and being aware of the shenanigans that went on in the relatively small British audio industry, my money is on H. Kondo's version of events as being more representative of the truth that P. Qvortrup's.