Audio Refinement Complete 'Alpha' - New Version

Dear Sir,

I have a question. I am currently running Audio Refinement Comeplete Original version with Usher CD100, etc. Recently I have spotted a newer version of AR Complete. Thus far I have only acknowledged that the Alpha version now has a new chassis, power supply and circuit board. Yet, I haven't so far been informed any corresponding sonical difference between the former and the latter. My quesion is: would you tell me if there is any sonical improvement over the original model(provided that you actually compared the two)? Please share your experience. Thank you,


Dear Aniwolfe,

Thank you for your input. That's, btw, exactly the answer I got from Audioadvisor; they also said more of the "YBA sound" (which I interpred as more bigger sound stage and transparent). Any rate, I am more inclined to your conclusion that it isn't much of an improvement as to warrant a new purchase. Besides I am quite happy with the Original's sound for now. Next upgrade will be thus dramatic; perhaps the YBA Passion...depending upon my financial status... as always...
Well I called Audio Plus Services about this briefly and I left the converstation with the feeling that it wasn't a large enough upgrade to warrant a new purchase. It sounded as if the new alpha version's focus was on improved vibraton control. And also stated it had little more of the YBA sound...whatever that means. Sorry I can't give you an A/B comparsion.